So it's been a long time, but I thought this was a neat little trick so I thought I'd share it with the world - as little followers as I have. In my spare time I've been writing up a new hobby project in Serverless , and while I do maintain a staging and production environment in AWS, it means I need to do a deployment every time I want to test all of the API's I've drafted for it. Not wanting to disturb the yaml configuration for running it locally, I've come up with a simple outline of a server which continues to use the same configuration. Take the express driven server I first define here: And then put a index.js in your routes folder to contain this code: Voila! This will take the request from your localhost and interpret the path against your serverless.yml and run the configured function. Hope this helps someone!
Greetings! Has been yet another long period since my last post, but hopefully the type of content makes up for it. Today I'm writing about a need that I had to document my entire movie collection in Google Sheets, because some that were on my local network, some on DVD, some on my Playstation Video account and as well as my small collection in Google TV. All in all there is currently over 500 movies, and growing. So the spreadsheet is fine on its own, but something nice and "pretty" was needed to list, search and filter by the movie's attributes. I first got an API key to be used with OMDB API . This allows me to get a JSON of the movie's IMDB attributes with a search from the title. I then added two functions in the "Apps Script" component of the sheet: From here, I could call the function to search (from a cell) with: =API(CONCAT("*******&t=",ENCODEURL(A1))) That would return the JSON (assuming A1 is...