I had my mid-year review yesterday, and delighted to have good comments from my boss for my contributions to all of our current projects. The main thing he highlighted to me is that I should communicate my changes a bit more - perhaps an email/slack message at the end of the day, or better yet - some form of change log . Definitely a good piece of constructive criticism. So I woke up this morning ready to find a good method to keep this to my routine, and to be honest, I was fairly let down with the tools that were off the shelf. A simple Google search revealed mainly just how different groups defined the term, and maybe a couple of templates here and there. I thought, what is the best way to document changes as well as to link those entries to the respective files and where they were changed. My target audience is only the small team that I work alongside. And then it hit me; up until then I had not used GitHub releases, as I was only ever the sole develop...