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Showing posts from June, 2022

Auth0 - Removing Social Accounts

Greetings!  Long time it has been.  Today's post comes from a project I was handed to convert the tens of thousands of users through our website that are using social accounts into email/password logins.  It has served us well over the years, but with the on-going scrutiny from the changes at Facebook, and the integration we need to do with our online shop which does not have social authentication - makes sense it is time to remove. But what is the cleanest way? We want to make this as seamless and easy as possible for our customers and with one EDM delivery.  I have come up with the following procedure: The comments should make it fairly self-explanatory.  What you may find interesting is that we are deleting the corresponding user from Wordpress .  This will get re-created after they sign in with the new user ID.  If you are curious on the SQL that can be used to look up and delete the user by the Auth0 user_id, you can use this query: From there you...