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The Importance of Keeping in the Loop

Greetings, Fellow Devs!

This is the first post, of hopefully a generally weekly update.  I've been so slack in the past, but small articles or large, I endevour to get something to you!

I was just now sipping my glass of whiskey, forcing myself to get back to an old project I have been procrastinating on for some time now.  I did have a good enough reason, a wedding to plan for, then 2 weeks before it all came together - losing my job, and then like a pebble over a lake, bouncing in to a new (and first for myself) management position.  It's been one hell of a ride!

But I digress; the issue I was facing was attempting to re-compile a cordova app which I have been extremely excited about, when I find it was no longer able to do so with the SDK and the plugins I was using were all out of date.  This has caused a right mess, and finding the right solutions in forums is definitely not easy - even when you have the up-vote style of answer/comment you would find on Stack Overflow.

Don't discourage; I am not dissing S/O, far from it.  But let me give this as a prime example as to a solution and to it's many followers, leading you (potentially) down a long garden path;

This was the best matching result of the issue I was having. The accepted answer is (as of the publication of this post) half right, while a comment on the post with the most up-votes suggests to additionally downgrade the Android version to use of 6.3.0.

This raised an immediate red-flag.  Great, it fixes it, but I need to keep my project in the past?  And so many were suggesting the same thing.  It wasn't until I scrolled all the way to the bottom to find an extremly helpful post, with the following exceprt from the source:

In our last plugins release, we deprecated cordova-plugin-compat since it got integrated into cordova-android@6.3.0. So for this release cycle, we have removed the dependency from plugins that were relying on it and gave the plugins a major version jump. The follow plugins have dropped cordova-plugin-compat: cordova-plugin-camera, cordova-plugin-contacts, cordova-plugin-file, cordova-plugin-geolocation, cordova-plugin-media, and cordova-plugin-media-capture.

Halleiluijah!  So the cordova-plugin-compat was deprecated, and all plugins that used this had a major version bump to remove its dependency, so simply every one of them needed to be updated and this plugin could then simply be removed.

So this prompted me to not only start this new blog to keep up to date on, but also to encourage others to keep up to date on such blogs and other feeds your projects components rely on.



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