It's a brave new world, where data is king. Sometimes, this data can live in platforms which does not let you use it as effectively as you should. Today, I'm going to take you on a way that you can programmatically extract and transfer to a much richer set of analysis tools.
Be sure to follow the Getting Started guide, using the most appropriate level of authentication. Not being a web-application, I've gone with the API Key + Secret approach. For each stream, you will want to work through a list of the individual campaigns, it is here where you can drill down on these three streams:
You'll notice that they common parameters, in particular the date, being when campaigns were delivered from. From those results, you can then get a further breakdown and get the subscriber data for each recipient.
Jump over to the GCP Console and create your project. Navigate to the Storage and create a bucket, which is effectively a named root location. For authentication and ease of use, get yourself a client keyfile, and then we can get the magic start ot happen. Initialize the object in this manner: Then, you can upload files just as easily:
The Task
I was handed a project to move all of the data from Campaign Monitor to Google Data Studio. No surprise, this reporting platform had a massive list of data connectors, and after a little bit of research, I decided to go with Google Cloud Storage - it just seemed to be the most flexible.The Extraction
I wouldn't be able to go in to great detail on how I've made my Campaign Monitor class, being that its Intellectual Property, but I can go in to where you can find the relavant documentation. I was asked to focus on just 3 streams of data; Opens, Clicks and Unsubscribes.Be sure to follow the Getting Started guide, using the most appropriate level of authentication. Not being a web-application, I've gone with the API Key + Secret approach. For each stream, you will want to work through a list of the individual campaigns, it is here where you can drill down on these three streams:
You'll notice that they common parameters, in particular the date, being when campaigns were delivered from. From those results, you can then get a further breakdown and get the subscriber data for each recipient.
The Upload
Now things get interesting. I'll aways highly reccomend to use Composer in your projects. You'll need to include the Google Cloud-Storage and apiclient packages to continue.Jump over to the GCP Console and create your project. Navigate to the Storage and create a bucket, which is effectively a named root location. For authentication and ease of use, get yourself a client keyfile, and then we can get the magic start ot happen. Initialize the object in this manner: Then, you can upload files just as easily:
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