I must admit, I have a quite a love/hate relationship when it comes to WordPress. As with some frameworks, it often takes a bit of rewiring to be not so... controlling. On the other end of the spectrum, it has an enormous community, and you'll almost never be out of work when it comes to being able to build and support. Plus, to be fair, it is not as targetted directly to developers unlike other Content Management systems like October CMS . Back on topic, I have recently been given a requirement to integrate our internally developed product CRM with WooCommerce, and would like to cover one important aspect of it: custom attributes. It has taken a lot of research to making it just the way we needed to, so allow me to share some of the things I have learned along the way. First, we need to add our products with our custom attributes, this topic, while it was available, didn't seem to be as documented as attributes with set options (terms) attached to it, so it ...